Healthworks Chiropractic Care
Our goal is to be your family’s trusted source for health care services.
What is Chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a health care profession that focuses on problems and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, and the effects of these disorders on general health. Chiropractic services use manual therapies, rehabilitative exercises as well as nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling. Chiropractic treats the body as a sum of many parts, each with an influence on another. Once all of the body’s systems are working well, total health is achieved.
Healthworks Chiropractic Services
Benefits of Chiropractic
The reason Chiropractic is successful is because of one little word: “Why?”
- Why does it hurt to bend?
- Why do I have weakness?
- Why do I have pain?
- Why does my arm tingle?
- Why do I have inflammation?
Chiropractic looks for the “why” behind the symptoms. Chiropractic treatment is not just symptom relief, it is overall problem correction.
Meet Dr. Jeff Kraichely
Dr. Jeff Kraichely is the clinic director of HealthWorks. He graduated from Logan University in St. Louis, Missouri with a Doctorate of Chiropractic in 1997. He received his Bachelors in Human Biology in 1994. Dr. Kraichely specializes in treatment of herniated discs and spinal degeneration. After he was diagnosed with Polymorphic Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2004, he focused his efforts on treating arthritis by focusing on chemical and biological triggers. Dr. Kraichely uses his personal experience and success to help others with arthritis. He is an active cyclist, and enjoys being with his four children and his beautiful wife Deanna.